As you can see, there is a new and very special post: the letter box. I will be answering you any question you put by this means. For instance:
- November the fifteenth, 2011:
To Alba Diago: ¿A qué fotos te refieres?... Creo que hay unas cuantas fotos e ilustraciones en el blog.
To "anonymous": El plazo de entrega de los últimos trabajos encargados no ha sido especificado todavía al grupo 1º-2/3; al 1º-1 sí se le ha dicho que la entrega de la actividad 2 de la Unidad Didáctica 2 (pag. 17 del Cuaderno de Actividades, el de las frutas) es el día 16 (mañana, miércoles) y la de la Actividad 1 de la pág. 31 del Libro de Texto será el próximo día 18. Creo que los del grupo 1º-2/3 me lo deberéis entregar, finalmente, el día 22, martes. Ya os lo confirmo en clase mañana mismo. Not at all!
- November the twenty-ninth, 2011:
To "anonymous" (again): You can find everything about the comic at "The Curious Incident Project" tag.
To Matías Llona (1º-1): I will tell you all about it (deadline) tomorrow. Thanks for asking!
- The fourth of December, 2011:
- 5th December 2011:
To Sofía Vilela (1º-1): Thanks to you, Sofía. I am glad to know it could help.
- The eleventh of December, 2011:
To Sara, Paula, Natalia and Marina (1º-1): Well, I guess that what you all are looking for should be somewhere around here...
- 27th December 2011:
To Natalia Moreno (1º-1): Just click on the "ACTIVITIES & PROJECTS" tag, on your right-hand side in the screen. You will see all the posts about it... Read patiently and look for the proper links.
- The twenty-eighth of December, 2011:
To Natalia Moreno (1º-1): There is much more to it than meets the eye!... I am not sure what you are looking for, Natalia, but I think that in eight posts (Van Gogh, Gestalt, etc.) you might (see the third meaning when you click on it) find something else, apart from the "Sea Bottom" stuff... Mightn´t you?... Try again!
- January the fifth, 2012:
To Marta Martínez, Sandra García and Julia Andrés (1º-1): You can use DIN-A3 plus. I think this is the right size. Minimun, DIN-A3. 200 gr., approximately.
- 26th February 2012:
To Sofía Vilela (1º-1): If you feel comfortable using water-colours, you can use them. Good luck!
- The seventh of March, 2012: To Candela Mullet (1º-1): Quite well, Candela. I can´t believe you couldn´t find something about "esmerilado" in the RAE dictionary! Try with "esmerilar"... The plural for "retina" is "retinae" (or retinas). It comes from Latin. La "retina" de la cámara es, obviamente, el... cristal esmerilado. And about getting the images into focus: read again the post and try to find out. Good luck!
- March the twenty third, 2012:
To "Anonymous": Frankly, my dear pupils... Alguno de vosotros aun me pregunta, a estas alturas, ¡¡que no sabe cómo hacer "lo del cómic"!!; ¡que no sabe "nada de eso", que no ha oído nunca nada sobre ello, que no tiene "ni idea" de qué va, que ni "pajolera idea" de "aonde hay que dirigirse"!... Pues me temo que ya es un poco tarde... Y, por cierto: todo, todo, todo está en este blog; desde hace meses. Good luck!
- 25th Mars 2012:
To Alex, Omar & Lamberto (1º-1): No idea what you are talking about, whatsoever. By the way: Alex, your group is Matias´, Ivan´s and Sergiu´s. Who´s wrong?... Have you even started your work?...